Forums - MvC2---Characters with the most popularity now Show all 46 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- MvC2---Characters with the most popularity now ( Posted by silenttiger on 05:01:2001 12:51 PM: I've noticed that the game play is still continuing to evolve. This won't be another exploration of the tier or restructured tier system, I just want to know who everyone is playing with now that the initial fascination with Magneto is wearing off (myself included). For Me, Silver Samurai (as always) Cyclops Omega Red Wolverine (Adamantium) Colossus Posted by mvsc2 maniac on 05:01:2001 02:45 PM: of course my bith storm, now i like blackheart alot. i'm also getting into cyclops Posted by MrNasty2K1 on 05:01:2001 03:21 PM: I would say Magneto and Storm, and Cable because of his stupid-ass AHVB! Posted by LTrav2k on 05:01:2001 04:56 PM: I think that a lot of people are turning to Storm, Cable, Iron Man, and Cyclops. Along with these folks, I'm sticking with Cammy all the way. Too many people where I play mash out of the Mag. Tempest combo so Magneto's taken a backseat. Posted by BlackShinobi on 05:01:2001 07:33 PM: popular characters are totally regional, but more iron mans seem to be popping up all over after the videos from japan. Posted by DavestA on 05:01:2001 07:39 PM: im hella into capcom , sentinnel and storm ^^ Posted by TigeR GenocidE on 05:01:2001 08:16 PM: Everyone I know is using iron man and psylocke alot now. But I'm using Jin and megaman now. ^_^ Posted by Demon_Of_Elru on 05:01:2001 08:53 PM: Heh... I'm personally working on Dan now... just for S&G and for the underestimation factor. But in tourneys and local play I would say that the new popular people are Iron Man, Psylocke, and the ever annoying Cable. But I suppose Cable will always remain popular due to the fact that he is....... well I won't start this age ole argument again so, Ill just say that Cable is Cable. Posted by JsTyLe on 05:05:2001 08:39 PM: eh im working with felecia.. shes hella tight Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 05:05:2001 11:22 PM: i personaly like MM BH annd sent...or Psy IM and uhh...Cammy Posted by SuperRob1 on 05:05:2001 11:40 PM: Around here you'll get a super over dose of Magneto, Sentinel, Black heart, cyclops (plus son) and Doom. My characters are : Cable, Doom, CapCom, Storm, Strider, Sentinel, Iron Man, Cyclops, Cammy, Psylocke, and the ever annoying ice man!! Posted by Crash on 05:05:2001 11:43 PM: IronMan has definetly become more popular ever since the Jap vids were released. Posted by Gouken11 on 05:05:2001 11:57 PM: mag Posted by Zazzarius on 05:05:2001 11:58 PM: while i use mainstays like doom, sent, strider, and even the occasional jin, mags or ironman, i like to throw in shuma gorath as my signature guy, cuz no one else uses him yeah, i don't win too often, but i'm practicing! Posted by angelassassin on 05:06:2001 02:11 AM: as for me i will always be the anakaris player in my area. i dont use the infinate though. i think i found a infinite with bh and spiral (ground assist). my characters are... Amingo: for like ever Anakairs: just cause Cammy: Triple AAA Doom: sometimes Blackheart: how can you not play blackheart! j/k Spiral: kicks azz as an assist and on point thats about it....peace Posted by §inn on 05:06:2001 02:28 AM: heh, theres alot of team shotos looking for wins out there Posted by DEL on 05:06:2001 04:19 AM: I started using Dhalsim a lot ever since I saw that Japanese video. Teaming him up with Storm-Y and Cyclops-B came up with a good, fun combination for me. I could even use him against Cable players and some other top tiers. Posted by Mitsuflip on 05:06:2001 05:28 AM: spiral/cable combo all the way Posted by Servebot on 05:06:2001 01:02 PM: At my local arcade it is IM, Psylocke, Dhalsim, and of course CAble. People use IM and Psylocke for his infinite and Dhalsim too because of them Japanese vids. Of course its almost impossible for a day to go by without someone picking Cable. Some people use Zangief too but just to fool around. Posted by Wil Power on 05:06:2001 02:18 PM: Learn Dhalsim. He is gaining popularity all over now. I have been playing Dhalsim for the longest time in MVC2 now and everyone just likes how good he can be. So everyone here started playing him and learning him. Dhalsim is fun to play too! Mag/Sim/BH = Team KickYoAss =P ^_^ Posted by Transparent Mind on 05:06:2001 02:56 PM: Well Cable's really popular thanks to AHVB.^_^ And Guile is really popular at my arcade seeing as all the scrubs love him. Posted by on 05:06:2001 03:06 PM: Magneto, Dhalsim, Iron Man, Cable, Sprial, Sentinel Posted by jamaicajon on 05:06:2001 03:21 PM: Ive been using iron man lately and put him with my already tight Dhalsim and Bison. But my iron man is not all that great...i can do the infinite and set it up fine but i dont have much else with him so he's a work in progress. If i really want to get nasty..i use Bison on point (psycho ball assist), Dhalsim (ground), and charlie (anti air) and im set. Posted by Dark Strider on 05:07:2001 02:14 AM: At my local arcade, teams are always different. The scrubs seem to always use Spidey, Guile, and Ryu or Ken. The experts...are almost always random. As for me, my personal (new) favorites are Omega Red and Shuma-Gorath. I consider both of them the two most underrated characters in the game. Magneto is great to. Gotta love those Magnetic Tempest combos! Posted by ViPeRsTaR 069 on 05:07:2001 02:25 AM: well i'm workin on servbot n sim. i've made a tite team wit bison,spiral,colossus. i've been workin on them n i tried it in the galleria n i beat like 6 or 7 guyz. Posted by n817azn on 05:07:2001 04:27 AM: where i play everybody and i mean EVERYBODY uses the storm.psy,mags team. Me on the other hand i like to use: IM,sent,psy IM,cable,psy IM,bh,psy Mags,Im,psy IM,iceman,psy Posted by Fozzy on 05:07:2001 04:38 AM: hmmm i'd say for poularity... akuma, cyclops, mags, spiral./.. Posted by DavestA on 05:07:2001 12:50 PM: ermz prolly IM . But for me cable / sent / capcom i love linkin aHVB Posted by Lord Doom on 05:07:2001 01:20 PM: Cable/Sent/CapCom is very popular now as is Spiral/Cable/Sent. Posted by cyclops34 on 05:07:2001 02:29 PM: i always see a lot of guile for the scrubs and the shotos are used a lotin my arcade but the good people use all the top tier i see a lot of morrigan and dhalsim being used now Posted by LegionTyphoonTempest on 05:07:2001 05:07 PM: Magneto Cable Guile Jin Silver Samurai Strider Not many killers in my selection, hehe! Posted by OneDumbGook on 05:07:2001 05:50 PM: Definitively, the most popular are Sentinel, Cable, Iron Man, Spiral and Cyclops. Psylocke blows, who uses her? My favs are Jin, Cap, Hulk and Iron Man. The last three make up my Avengers team, most definitely, the absolute best team possible. Avengers ASSEMBLE!!!!!! Anyone that disputes their power'll answer to me... ... and one angry ass Hulk. Posted by ComboFighter on 05:08:2001 04:00 AM: Favorites The popularity of a character in this game is based on chip damage or infinites. Which is sad as I see it. For there is no skill to these teams. There is no joy in the victories. There is a difference between winning and skill. I hardly go to tornaments because of this. If I do, it will be to see how good people are while I fool around. Anyways, Best team is Mag/Storm/Pys. I found the secert to rushing so only 1 AAA stops me right now. The rest are punished when called out . Favorites are pretty much all the girls in game. 1. Sakaru. Dark Sakaru is worth the levels 2. Felica. Love that Kitty GangBang. 3. Jill. Pushing people into the Zombies. Posted by angelassassin on 05:09:2001 10:55 PM: Ohhh...we are talking about that case i must say STORM! oh god i hate storm! not because she is bad...she does require skill to play... but when people abuse her talents...(cough...cough...damn trap teams...a.k.a doom) other than that i have pretty much seen let me know what ya think anakaris players. peace Posted by §inn on 05:10:2001 01:06 AM: i dont think spiral is as popular as you guys say she is, i mean 95 percent of people who use her, SUCK! i love §piral myself, but how i see her used is absolutely pathetic, people pick spiral, cable, sentinel and expect everyone to be scared or something. WHY? You shits suck at spiral cable sent! When was the last time you saw that team win a tourney when not played by duc the 'founder'? (even though i was playing this team before i knew who duc was, im sure this is the case for a FEW others too) anyway, just because people pick their spiral teams left and right, it doesnt mean shes popular because all the jokers that pick her suck! They just copy what they see. I dont even consider these morons opponents, therefore spiral is not getting popular. I hope you guys feel the same way.. Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 05:10:2001 01:18 AM: i think the combo of doom and ss will be popular only because they have mega Posted by Galactic on 05:10:2001 02:47 AM: Honestly, not to brag or anything, but Galactic is the best MVC2 player in his college. It's not a brag, it's the truth. Galactic gets beaten at Chinatown Fair and all that, but at his college gameroom, he's the best. Not something to be really proud of, since after all, it's only a college gameroom, but I have an impact over what characters are used. Recently, Galactic has been using Wolverine (Adamantium) a lot and ever since some of the regulars saw me kill Akuma with one AC ( J.F.P, C.L.P, C.L.K, C.M.P, S.RH.K (launch) Capcom AAA, AC l.p, l.k, m.p, m.p, MASHED Air Throw = 100% Akuma, Spidey, Bonerine, Strider on normal damage. Kinda hard to hit Servbot with the whole thing, but it'll probably kill him too.) they've all been trying to use Wolverine. Just like how Galactic introduced AHVBx3(not Cable, just AHVBx3), Mag Tempest Combo, Storm, BH, Strider/Doom, and Spiral/Sent to the gameroom... You must be thinking "Whoa, what a bunch of scrubs" but you have to realize Galactic is the only one who actually plays the game on a constant basis. Most of the people who come to the gameroom are passing by for one quick game of something or another, just killing some time between classes, relieving stress from exams and stuff. Galactic is one of the VERY few serious gamers there, so it's basically my responsibility, as the best MVC2 player there, to show other potentials how to start. Current Most used Characters: Wolverine (Just recently) Cable Magneto Silver Samurai (Everyone seems to love the black costume) Blackheart Storm Strider Doom Collossus (Man, this is the ONE character everyone seems to have gotten good with here, everyone can do his AC into his Charge then super cancel into Body Drop Super, does a HELL of a lot of damage, especially on the weaker characters, usually kills them outright... There are some awesome Coll Strats, too bad he's not very good against Cable with AAA's...) Posted by Slick Rik on 05:10:2001 04:13 AM: MY TEAM IS GETTING PRETTY POPULAR NOW! KEN, SAMURAI, IRON MAN. THEY HAVE A KILLER DHC COMBO AND ITS PRETTY EASY TO START UP, WITH KEN. BUT EVERYBODY AT MY ARCADE USES TRONNE AND GORATH. WE PROBABLY HAVE THE BEST SCRUB TEAMS OUT THERE. Posted by Wil Power on 05:10:2001 08:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by cyclops34 the good people use all the top tier the good people don't need to use top tier to be good. this is good IMO as we are now actually learning to use the rest of the characters very effectively and hopefully used in tournament use! dhalsim all the way!!! ^_^ Posted by Maximum Burst on 05:10:2001 10:28 AM: #1 most used: Cable #1 most hated: Cable #1 most loved: Cable Cable need I say more. Posted by VenomFang on 05:10:2001 03:06 PM: Of course, it's all about Cable. BH/Cable/Cyclops, Venom/Cable/Cyclops, Cable/Storm/Cammy, Spiral/Cable/Sentinel, and my new team, Ruby/Cable/Doom. Guile and Strider, as always, are the favorites at the arcades I frequent. They are always glad to take some AHVBx3 from the big man. Posted by Best 1 on 05:10:2001 05:37 PM: This is me Best 1 the most popular characters are CABLE,DOOM SENTINAl SPIRAL Cyclops Magnetio Posted by angelassassin on 05:11:2001 02:23 AM: i believe that ankaris could become popular if he had more exposed. i dont think they would take my style, but he could become popular. Posted by acuma78757 on 05:11:2001 03:06 AM: for me ironman,cable,cyclops,ken,magneto,sentinel,captain commando,and storm. Posted by dQn on 05:11:2001 06:57 AM: I think Iron Man is getting really popular nowadays. How come wolverine isn't as popular as he was in mvc1? Posted by Nate X Grey on 05:11:2001 04:00 PM: Everyone in this whole fucking country uses Cable. Ok... not everyone... but 80% of the serious players use Cable. They think he's by far the number 1. Cable/CapCom being the number 1 most used combination. I've had people playing me who said things like "If you can beat me without Cable... I'll let you be my master!". So out pops Storm(runaway)/Doom/BH to kick their ass. All times are GMT. The time now is 12:53 AM. Show all 46 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.